Ashley Whitlock
Hampshire & IOW Butterflies and Moths

The Isle of Wight is quite lumpy in places and around Ventnor is no exception. St Boniface Down is quite a feat if you can get to the top without taking in the view...which I recommend! Some of the best counts of the Wall Brown came from this site in the 80's and 90's. There is some excellent flora and fauna in and around the site.
St Boniface Down
Mating pair of Small Blues on Kidney Vetch

Marbled White
Common Blue
Clouded Yellow

Wall Brown

Great Green Bush Cricket

St Boniface Down is a chalk down on the Isle of Wight, England. It is located close to the town of Ventnor, in the southeast of the Island, and rises to 241 metres, the Island's highest point with views stretching from Beachy Head to the east, Portsmouth to the north and the Isle of Portland to the west.
Elevation: 241 m
Prominence: 241 m
There are many birds and invertebrates to be found on the highest point of the Isle of Wight.
It was once a stronghold for the nationally rare butterfly the Wall Brown, which can still be found here but in smaller numbers, these can be observed flying in early May, and again in August with a partial third brood in October, weather dependant! Other butterfly highlights are the Glanville Fritillary, Adonis Blue, Small Blue and Dark Green. Fritillary.
Moths, you could possibly see the Jersey Tiger Moth and the Hummingbird Hawk Moth on the wing in the summer months and the Silver 'Y' Moth comes over from the continent in the early spring and is very common in the clover fields along with the Clouded Yellow Butterfly in the Autumn. Great Green Bush Crickets can be found in the taller grasses along with many grasshoppers.
Birdlife. There are many birds to be seen too numerous to mention here but there have been Buzzards seen on the wing, and the recent re-introduction of the Sea Eagle on to the Isle of Wight would be worth looking out for. Many Kestrels can be seen hovering over the site in the summer months, along with the Barn Owl patrolling up and down the valley floor in the early morning or at dusk.
Rabbits and Hares can also be seen in the valley, with Stoats and at dusk Badgers are seen looking for earth worms.
Glanville Fritillary male, although not common on the down there is a token presence from the Ventnor Downs

Dog Rose is one of the delights of the flora and fauna on the downland
The Silver-'Y' Moth can be quite common on the down, in the summer and autumn