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Clouded Yellows are often seen flying in from the sea. Being migratory butterflies, they can breed in the UK, with warmer springs.

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Lapwings are quite rare these days, and Titchfield Haven is a good site to see this colourful birds.

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Grey Herons are quite common in and around the reeds. Other birds of interest seen on occasions have been the Marsh Harrier, Barn Owl, and Peregrine Falcon.

The Wall Brown butterfly was once a common insect in Hampshire, but has declined dramatically however they are seen at Titchfield Haven on the odd occasion, so they are worth looking out for.

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Wildfowl of all shapes and sizes can be seen from the hides around the site throughout the year.

Birds of prey are quite common on the site, like Marsh Harriers, Buzzards, Kestrels, and Red Kites, with Barn Owls and Short -Eared Owls making a rare appearance at times.


White Egrets are now part of our flora and fauna, along with Great White Egrets, and Grey Heron and the Bittern has been seen here as well

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 Titchfield Haven at sunset


Titchfield Haven

National Nature Reserve


Titchfield Haven National Nature Reserve is a well-known birdwatching site managed by Hampshire County Council. It covers 369 acres of the Lower Meon Valley and contains a variety of wetland habitats, some of which have become rare in lowland Britain. The reserve is managed primarily for birds but it also has rare flora including rarities such as slender bird's-foot-trefoil, frogbit and marsh mallow. It is also home to foxes, deer, dragonflies (19 species have been recorded) and butterflies. You can see birds at close range, in one of the many 'hides'.


Winter - there are huge numbers of wildfowl which return here to escape the cold of their northern breeding grounds
Spring - listen to the wide range of birdsong and watch the swallows and other summer visitors
Summer - view the colourful wetland plants and dragonflies
Autumn - watch out for the first migrant waders and wildfowl.


Open seven days a week, including Bank Holidays (not 25th or 26th December) 9.30am - 5pm (summer) and 9.30am - 4pm (winter).


You can buy tickets from the information desk in the Titchfield Haven Visitor Centre. You will be given a dated coloured sticker to be displayed on your clothing or equipment. The reserve is checked regularly and you will be asked to show your ticket. There is a free car park close by. Toilets (including those with access for wheelchairs), a tea room, a shop, an exhibition and activities for children are in the Titchfield Haven Visitor Centre. Groups are welcomed but please make an advance booking.

Website: Titchfield Haven National Nature Reserve 

Address: Cliff Road, Hill Head, Fareham, Hants, PO14 3JT

Tel: 01329 662145  Fax: 01329 667113


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Cormorants are often seen preening themselves on these old posts on the site.

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Kingfishers are quite common and can be seen from the hides and from the road bridge close to the entrance of the site. This one was caught flying from the Titchfield Haven site sign.  Photographs techniques like this are covered in a separate page on this web-site.

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